Wednesday, August 19, 2009

futsal o futsal~

since december last year..
since didukung pdaus saman ble kaki aku injured..
since layankan pdaus senin nk men futsal sgt...
akhirnya, aku start men futsal smlm...hahaha..

best2..walaupun x mcm dulu.. tp aku dpt gak tendang bola kuat
aku dpt gak kena tackle...sakit.. tp akupuas..


thx kenarian.. layankn aku pulak...lalala

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

what rubbish mean~

The word "rubbish" is a noun that refers to garbage or refuse or any other waste, trash or junk. Any thing worthless can also be referred to as rubbish. Rubbish also means a foolish discourse or any nonsense that one is talking or speaking. Rubbish can also be used as a verb to refer to disclaiming what another is saying. The word is derived from the Middle English word "robishe".

Rubbish in its sense as waste can be in solid, liquid or gaseous states. Rubbish is generally discarded by every individual, family, community and municipality. Several forms of rubbish like plastics, glass and scrap metal can be recycled and in various other forms of household rubbish can be composted and mixed with the soil once again. Rubbish can also be burnt in incinerators and electricity any description of rubbish man?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thanks For The Flowers~

1st present that i got.. much early.. pe boleh buat.. ada hal yg x boleh dielakkan..lalalala
Thanks and much respect. credit to Noraini Bte Mahmud Marzuki..
semoga tahan dgn perangaiku yg macam2..
thanks god..i found u...

klcc 2 u~! balik dr photoshoot kat klcc... best gle camera atok... waaa.. popular! tambah a gaji aku smpai 20 ribu.. aku nk beli nikon d300.. waa.. gle.. camera je dh dkat 10k.. ne nk carik duet..

g kt klcc pon dh lewat..kol seploh..mmg x jam a..smpai kt klcc, atok mula mengeluarkn secret weaponnye.. oyeh.. kami(yan,mz dan alip) mula start ngendeng2 nk men camera tu..opsss.. tolak alip kacak ag ensem ,malangnya dia kurang berminat dgn aktiviti2 tersebut..ngntok kot.. xpon mmg xreti.. xpe2.. jdik model kami pun ok.hahaha

ramai gle foreigner.mula terasa bangga..proud to be malaysian.tgk klcc tersergam teguh,aku ngn yan mula mengeluarkn teori2 educated kami.."cmne erk,engineer msia bleh wat klcc ni?"antara persoalan yg bermain2 diminda kami.. bukan 1st time g klcc pun,br minggu lpas aku dating kt sana kot.